Having the opportunity to pursue the activity you love with the support you need is a chance all kids living with type 1 diabetes deserve.
The Dkids Foundation understands how important exercise is to a living a healthy life. It becomes all the more vital when living with type 1 diabetes.
Less than 40% of youth participate in sports and that number is even lower among T1Ds. In order to reverse this trend, time and effort are required to build a network of programs dedicated to providing education and recreational activities.
With young people being diagnosed at a faster rate than ever before, it is important to build an infrastructure to support the love of sport and living an active lifestyle for youths living with type 1 diabetes.
Make A Difference.
The Dkids Foundation is proud to offer diabetes education and recreational exercise programs for youth living with Type 1 Diabetes.
With a focus on improving quality of life through education and exercise, Dkids Foundation Programs are dedicated to T1Ds and their families.
Providing experiential and traditional learning while sharing t1d knowledge and education is our top priority and integrated into all program elements.
Providing experiential and traditional learning while sharing t1d knowledge and education is our top priority and integrated into all program elements.
Providing experiential and traditional learning while sharing t1d knowledge and education is our top priority and integrated into all program elements.
Through each step of the way, participants are surrounded by opportunities to learn. It is a safe space where there is never a wrong question.
Providing experiential and traditional learning while sharing t1d knowledge and education is our top priority and integrated into all program elements.
Providing experiential and traditional learning while sharing t1d knowledge and education is our top priority and integrated into all program elements.
Learning how to count carbohydrates and specific food values helps all participants improve the management of their diabetes.
Providing experiential and traditional learning while sharing t1d knowledge and education is our top priority and integrated into all program elements.
Providing experiential and traditional learning while sharing t1d knowledge and education is our top priority and integrated into all program elements.
Through the demonstration of proper warmup and cool down techniques to sport-specific tips and tricks, learning the right way to play is always important.
Providing experiential and traditional learning while sharing t1d knowledge and education is our top priority and integrated into all program elements.
Providing experiential and traditional learning while sharing t1d knowledge and education is our top priority and integrated into all program elements.
A full-day education seminar is provided for parents and features multiple speakers and education presentations about diabetes
Providing experiential and traditional learning while sharing t1d knowledge and education is our top priority and integrated into all program elements.
Providing experiential and traditional learning while sharing t1d knowledge and education is our top priority and integrated into all program elements.
Surrounded by family, welcomed by caregivers, mentors, role models and new friends, each program is a family reunion and you're the newest member.
Providing experiential and traditional learning while sharing t1d knowledge and education is our top priority and integrated into all program elements.
Providing experiential and traditional learning while sharing t1d knowledge and education is our top priority and integrated into all program elements.
Certified diabetes educators are assigned to each players. These medically trained professionals shadow and support each participant throughout the program.
Providing experiential and traditional learning while sharing t1d knowledge and education is our top priority and integrated into all program elements.
Providing experiential and traditional learning while sharing t1d knowledge and education is our top priority and integrated into all program elements.
A nutrition education program designed to help each participant learn proper eating habits, nutritional values and how to harness the energy of food for their own benefit.
Providing experiential and traditional learning while sharing t1d knowledge and education is our top priority and integrated into all program elements.
Providing experiential and traditional learning while sharing t1d knowledge and education is our top priority and integrated into all program elements.
Each program has a specific sport focus and provides intimate training with elite and passionate coaches dedicated to each players' well-being.
Providing experiential and traditional learning while sharing t1d knowledge and education is our top priority and integrated into all program elements.
Providing experiential and traditional learning while sharing t1d knowledge and education is our top priority and integrated into all program elements.
featured family events offer all registered participants, family members and staff the opportunity to connect and have fun.
Providing experiential and traditional learning while sharing t1d knowledge and education is our top priority and integrated into all program elements.
Providing experiential and traditional learning while sharing t1d knowledge and education is our top priority and integrated into all program elements.
Teaching how to communicate and share are a vital part of building self-confidence and key to balancing the pressure of managing diabetes.
Providing experiential and traditional learning while sharing t1d knowledge and education is our top priority and integrated into all program elements.
Providing experiential and traditional learning while sharing t1d knowledge and education is our top priority and integrated into all program elements.
Young adults living with T1D support the CDE staff and players, ensuring a positive environment designed to emphasize confidence building.
Providing experiential and traditional learning while sharing t1d knowledge and education is our top priority and integrated into all program elements.
Providing experiential and traditional learning while sharing t1d knowledge and education is our top priority and integrated into all program elements.
Hand-crafted menus and snacks are designed to compliment a busy schedule, providing a nutrition lesson with each calorie consumed.
Providing experiential and traditional learning while sharing t1d knowledge and education is our top priority and integrated into all program elements.
Providing experiential and traditional learning while sharing t1d knowledge and education is our top priority and integrated into all program elements.
From teaching the fundementals to individual skill development, we've got you covered with specialized in-game and off-court tips and training methods.
Providing experiential and traditional learning while sharing t1d knowledge and education is our top priority and integrated into all program elements.
Providing experiential and traditional learning while sharing t1d knowledge and education is our top priority and integrated into all program elements.
Each program provides participants and families with a chance to make new friends from across the globe.
Providing experiential and traditional learning while sharing t1d knowledge and education is our top priority and integrated into all program elements.
Providing experiential and traditional learning while sharing t1d knowledge and education is our top priority and integrated into all program elements.
Quality of Life
The Dkids Foundation plans to provide support for all youth living with type 1 diabetes, whatever their passion might be.
Listed below are the various programs we aim to launch. Learn more about each program, how you can participate and how you can help make them happen!